In this page and the ones linked to it, we provide detailed and
complete information about Aurum Solutions. However, if you do
not have enough time, you can visit our "In short" page,
where you will find a summary of the facts you need to know about
our company.
Aurum Solutions is a IT management and software development firm
located in El Salvador (Central America), with customers all around
the world, specially, high level european and american companies,
in both private and public sectors.
Founded in 1997 out of european staff with previous professional
experience, Aurum Solutions has become the strategic ally of its
customers, allowing them to leverage information technology to
increase their profitability and competitive advantage. In order
to achieve this, we offer an extensive range of services in the
areas of management and information technology.
In the area of information technology, we develop high quality
software solutions, to maximize our customers' efficiency. In the
area of management, we help to define business strategies to increase
revenue and market share by means of a smart commercial information
management. Furthermore, we provide management and IT training
Aurum Solutions has solid knowlegde about international corporate
and government customers. Our success has been based on meeting
our customers' needs and providing them with business growth opportunities.
We invite you to know a little more about Aurum Solutions, visiting
our Offshore page or learning about
our Philosophy.